This is a topic that continues to come up time and time again. I am continually asked not only what happens to liposuctioned areas with weight gain, but also what happens to non-liposuctioned areas. There seems to be a fear out there that if one has liposuction and then gains weight that other areas of…
There are a couple of new gadgets available today which claim to remove fat from your body while being completely non-invasive. One uses some fancy lights that sort of spin around over your body and is supposed to induce digestion of fat cells. The other one cools the fat cells to the point where they…
No matter what the procedure is, all of my patients need to know how to plan for their recovery. A tummy tuck operation (or “abdominoplasty”) is a procedure that removes loose skin from the lower belly and tightens the muscles of the abdomen. The muscle tightening is the tough part---I have never heard a complaint…
Many men and women come to their tummy tuck consultations at my Manhattan practice worried about tummy tuck scars. The truth is, where there is an incision, there will usually be a scar, and tummy tuck surgery is no different. Choosing the appropriate level of the tummy tuck scar, though, is a matter of proper…
The news in recent days reminds us all about the importance of safety when having ANY operation, and liposuction is no exception. I tell my wife all the time, "it may be cosmetic, but it's still surgery". That's why my office has a Joint Commission certified operating suite ( with state of the art equipment and…