Chin liposuction improves neck contours dramatically and removes a double chin. Dr. Sterry wants you to have the best chin liposuction possible with an elegant neck. Is KYBELLA Better Than Chin Liposuction? KYBELLA is the new FDA-approved injectable that melts the fat in your neck to remove the dreaded double chin. Studies performed by KYBELLA…
Want an improved, more youthful appearance without undergoing a surgical procedure? Lucky for you, it’s no longer necessary to have invasive cosmetic surgery to improve your skin’s appearance. Experienced plastic surgeons can give you the results you desire with highly effective, minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures. Here is a list of the most common non-surgical cosmetic procedures…
Jane had triplets and originally approached to me to consider performing a tummy tuck (aka "abdominoplasty") in NYC at the time of her cesarean section. I told her that I didn't think it would be a good idea. I wanted her to have a nice result and I suggested that she have her children first and…
As both a plastic surgeon and (in a previous life) a personal trainer with a master's degree in exercise physiology, I have learned quite a bit about the muscles that make up the abdominal wall. Many patients come to me and are upset that they can't get their tummy flat again after childbirth. Some of…
Scar Revision As a plastic surgeon working in New York City I see all manner of injuries and surgical scars in every type and color of skin on this earth. Most times scars heal well or at least don't bother patients. Occasionally however, the mark left behind is either in a particularly bad place (like…
Liposuction Is Highly Effective I speak quite a bit about how dramatically Smartlipo™ neck liposuction improves my New York patients' profiles. While I usually call this neck liposuction, I find that many of my patients refer to it as chin liposuction. I think that's because many of them have a "selfie chin"–and they all seem…
If you want to turn heads next spring, then winter is the perfect time for liposuction. Why? Liposuction can get rid of stubborn areas of fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise—but the results aren’t visible overnight. By its nature, liposuction results in a fair amount of swelling. Patients are often about the same size…
Abdominoplasty, often called a tummy tuck, can remove loose or stretched-out skin from the lower belly while also tightening the abdominal muscles. The result is an overall nicer appearance of the torso with well-toned skin. There are many situations where a tummy tuck is helpful to our NYC patients who want to look and feel…
If you've been noticing a few more lines or a bit of sagging skin when you look in the mirror, you might be considering a facelift or mini facelift. There’s a lot of buzz—and quite a few myths—around these procedures, and it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. This blog post will cut…
Want a smoother, flatter belly but don’t want your friends to know you’ve had a tummy tuck? Lucky for you, it can be done. There are two simple keys to achieving a “secret” tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty. Get the operation during the cooler months, preferably fall. Choose a plastic surgeon who knows how to hide the…