Author Archives: Dr. Thomas Sterry

Thomas P. Sterry, MD

Breast Augmentation Decisions – Part I

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I can't help noticing that a lot of women who come to me for breast augmentation in this city wanted larger breasts for a long time before they actually present in the office.  They tell me that they were anxious and had feelings of guilt over wanting to improve their looks and self esteem.  Furthermore,…

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Thomas P. Sterry, MD

What is the Best Hair Removal System?

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I am frequently asked what the "best" method for removing unwanted body hair is.  That depends on what you mean by "the best". In my opinion, after reading Manscaped Reviews, I've deduced that this comes down to light based hair removal systems as opposed to electrolysis.  I must say, electrolysis is very effective, but it…

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Thomas P. Sterry, MD

Winter Skin Care: Simple things you can do to look younger

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Most people I know are very aware of their skin care regimen in the warm weather, but seem to consider it secondary during the winter time.  I suppose we are all more self conscious during bikini season and tend to let a lot of things go as the weather gets cooler and we cover up more.  Interestingly,…

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Thomas P. Sterry, MD

The Wrinkle about a Cosmetic tax: What is the 'BoTax'?

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Senator Harry Reid has proposed a new tax on cosmetic procedures as a way to help pay for health care reform.  So, when will a procedure be considered cosmetic and therefore taxable?  I will not argue whether it is fair or not to tax my own cosmetic services since no matter what I write, it would…

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