The Secret Tummy Tuck
Want a smoother, flatter belly but don’t want your friends to know you’ve had a tummy tuck? Lucky for you, it can be done. There are two simple keys to achieving a “secret” tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty.
- Get the operation during the cooler months, preferably fall.
- Choose a plastic surgeon who knows how to hide the telltale signs.
By following these steps, you can hide out under a sweater during your recovery and then emerge like a butterfly in the spring with no scar to be seen. Following is more detailed information on how your plastic surgeon can help you hide your tummy tuck, scars and all.
Tummy Tuck Recovery Can Take a While
I wish I could tell you all that you can have the operation, then wake up the next day and look great, but I’d be lying. The truth is that it takes about 3 months for most of the healing to take place. Most patients are looking and feeling much better by 3 to 6 weeks, but there is clearly some swelling that needs to abate and there is no medical therapy that will speed the process. The tincture of time is the only medicine that will help. So, if you want your tummy tuck to be a secret, the most important advice I can give is to have the procedure during the cooler months when you can cover up—and nobody will notice!
Signs of a Bad Tummy Tuck
As an experienced plastic surgeon, I see many patients who have had cosmetic surgery work done by other surgeons. Three problems I often encounter are:

High Tummy Tuck Scar With Unnatural Bellybutton
- Absurdly high tummy tuck scars that are visible in a swimsuit.
- Upside down “T” shaped scars that extend upwards in the center.
- Obvious bellybutton scars that look artificial.
Unfortunately, even when I can fix these poorly executed procedures, the patients often need the equivalent of a completely new tummy tuck. That means double the discomfort, healing time and expense, all of which could have been avoided by going to a respectable, board-certified plastic surgeon in the first place.
How To Hide a Tummy Tuck Scar
While no surgeon can promise a patient that their tummy tuck scar will heal nicely—that depends on a number of factors—I can and do make sure that the scar ends up hidden under a bathing suit of their choosing. I accomplish this in a few different ways.

Left: Tummy Tuck Markings Right: Final Scar Placement
First, before the surgery, I have my patients don the garment they want to wear after the tummy tuck, and I mark the outline of this garment in red ink. I then plan out the abdominoplasty and mark all of my incisions within that boundary. This ensures that when the procedure is done, the patient will be able to wear at least one bathing suit to the beach or pool the next time they venture out.
Next, I make sure my initial incision lies about 2 1⁄2 to 3 inches above the upper portion of the external labia on stretched skin. That is typically below 95 percent of the Cesarean section scars I come across and means that the C-section scar can be removed and replaced by the tummy tuck scar. This low scar makes the final result much less obvious to onlookers. You can view many more examples of tummy tuck photos here.
While genetics play a large role in how your tummy tuck scar fades, silicone sheets, tape, or cream can help. Apply them for the first 6 weeks after your procedure to encourage scars to develop as thin, flat, and pale as possible.
Fine-Tuning the Bellybutton
Browse any fashion magazine or Victoria’s Secret catalogue, and you will notice that bellybuttons follow one fairly common theme: They all have a little hood above and a groove leading upward.
During the final stages of a tummy tuck, I strive to mimic this look by using a variety of techniques, some of which I have developed myself. The result is a rather small umbilical scar that is hidden beneath the bellybutton hood. If the initial result isn’t perfect, I may adjust it at the three-month mark at no extra charge. Patients don’t mind this extra procedure—there is no significant discomfort since the procedure involves skin only.
Not all plastic surgeons devote so much time and attention to these final steps. However, during surgery, I often spend 20 to 30 minutes on the bellybutton alone, both for the client’s sake and because the bellybutton is the only part of my operation that the public is likely to see. That makes it worth the time to get it right and make it look natural.
Interestingly, this process has actually spawned a whole new area of expertise for me—bellybutton repair, or umbilicoplasty. Many people are unhappy with the appearance of their bellybutton, even those who haven’t had a tummy tuck. Some of them have found my photographs online and come in asking me to cosmetically improve the look of their bellybuttons, too.
These patients invariably leave very satisfied with my umbilicoplasty procedure. It is performed under local anesthesia in the privacy of my office and they have very little discomfort afterwards.
Secret Tummy Tuck Summary
If you are looking for an amazing tummy tuck that will leave your friends wondering, make sure your surgeon is board certified and ask detailed questions about the procedure and how they’ll hide signs of a tummy tuck. If you are in the New York metro area, I’m happy to meet with you. Please request a consultation or call us at (212) 249-4020 to schedule an appointment.
Can I send you a pic of my belly button see if you can help
I’m in Australia and willing to travel
Yes, please do!
You can send it to [email protected]
You wouldn’t be the first patient to come on over from Australia. We’ve had a few over the years.
It would be great to meet you!
I have lost 100 pounds and am aging. I want to regain my confidence and obtain an optimal me. Unfortunately I am not happy with the small Areas of inner thigh sagging skin, abdominal flap, labia, upper vaginal pooch, back fat, and bra line. Not too much, huh? I had flat lined adrenal fatigue which is currently resolving. Meaning I can be active without risk of compromising my health. Need to build muscle and loose About another twenty pounds. What would a rough estimate of all that surgery be?
Congratulations on the weight loss!
You are asking for a variety of treatments and it’s hard to know exactly what it would cost you sight unseen. We would be happy to continue a conversation if you want to send some photos to: [email protected]
In the meantime, I wish you continued success!
Who long after surgery will you be able to return back to work after a tummy tuck
I apologize for the last reply, but I’ve been busy setting up my new office.
The vast majority of people complain about feeling “tight” more than having “pain”. Most patients with desk jobs need something like 10 days to two weeks off work. Patients with more physical responsibilities need 2-3 weeks off work.
The best examples I have are these:
Patient 1 is an administrative assistant and returned to work in 8 days.
Patient 2 is a 1st Grade Schoolteacher and went back to work in 14 days (carpet time, reading to 6 year olds etc), but she wished she had 3 weeks.
I hope this helps you understand what to expect.
Good Luck!
I apologize for the late reply, but I’ve been busy setting up my new office.
The vast majority of people complain about feeling “tight” more than having “pain”. Most patients with desk jobs need something like 10 days to two weeks off work. Patients with more physical responsibilities need 2-3 weeks off work.
The best examples I have are these:
Patient 1 is an administrative assistant and returned to work in 8 days.
Patient 2 is a 1st Grade Schoolteacher and went back to work in 14 days (carpet time, reading to 6 year olds etc), but she wished she had 3 weeks.
I hope this helps you understand what to expect.
Good Luck!
I lost weight. A surgeon was recommended by my Podiatrist, he did work in his wife. Out of network, several thousands of dollars, I look like a freak! My stomach is huge, huge horrible scar. My incision popped open, the healed is atrocious. I have been embarrassed for years. Dr. Azouz, claimed he would fix and what happened to me is normal because of my bad skin in the area. I’m 54 now and my mid area has gotten worst. Went back to Dr. Azouz, however, he was always busy when I was available. He even made the comment, it wasn’t my fault I had a weight issue, it was hereditary. Needless to say the verbal treatment pushed me to further depression and mistrust of Dr. Azouz. He promised contouring and liposuction of my back, waist, middle area. My other doctors examined the area and comments were very unfavorable. Can a bad tummy tuck be corrected? What is the liability for the doctor who did the bad tummy tuck?
I’m so sorry to read about your trouble. Yes, we can many times improve on previous tummy tuck operations. No, the other doctor probably has very little liability for a poor cosmetic outcome. I suggest you find a board certified plastic surgeon near you to start helping to make some improvements.
This is awesome !! I often tell my friends I can tell a tummy tuck by the belly button. Your the only Dr. This far who has mentioned this.
There are many of us who really try to make this an invisible operation…
Could I send you a pic of my tummy tuck as I believe my scar is to high and wondered what could be done about it
Sure thing. Please include the pubic bone to the bottom of the breasts. If the photos give me some perspective, then I can make an assessment.
Would it be possible to send you a picture of my tummy tuck as I believe my scar is to high and have what I think is “dog ears”. I am wondering what is best to do about it and when. I am one month post-op.
I’m sorry to reply so late, but in your case it’s probably okay because we wouldn’t have done anything so soon after surgery anyway. please send a photo to [email protected]
I will have a look and let you know.
Hello, I live in Louisville, Kentucky & I had a tummy tuck a year ago in January… I HATE my belly button scar! I look like your example picture of a bad scar. Bulls eye around my bb.
I feel so disappointed that I didn’t do more research, I only thought about the hip to hip scar which I don’t mind and it’s low enough for me. It I have bought like 5 high waisted swimsuits. I was wondering about a bb revision?
I’m actually a recovery room nurse and I take care of lots of plastic surgery patients but I don’t ever see them after recovery so the belly button scar wasn’t something I thought of.
Thank you-