Dr. Thomas P. Sterry’s Blog

Thomas P. Sterry, MD

Winter Skin Care: Simple things you can do to look younger

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Most people I know are very aware of their skin care regimen in the warm weather, but seem to consider it secondary during the winter time.  I suppose we are all more self conscious during bikini season and tend to let a lot of things go as the weather gets cooler and we cover up more.  Interestingly,…

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Thomas P. Sterry, MD

The Wrinkle about a Cosmetic tax: What is the 'BoTax'?

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Senator Harry Reid has proposed a new tax on cosmetic procedures as a way to help pay for health care reform.  So, when will a procedure be considered cosmetic and therefore taxable?  I will not argue whether it is fair or not to tax my own cosmetic services since no matter what I write, it would…

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