
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Sterry and the team of skilled professionals at his Manhattan office offer state-of-the-art body contouring with Smartlipo Triplex™ laser liposuction. NYC patients can expect faster healing and tighter, firmer skin than with traditional liposuction alone because of this advanced technology’s 3 distinct wavelengths of laser energy. Smartlipo Triplex can be used to sculpt the chest and body, as well as delicate areas such as the neck.

To learn more about your liposuction options in our Manhattan practice, request a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sterry or call  (212) 249-4020.

 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Liposuction for Men Case 5 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Smartlipo™ Liposuction Before & After Photos Patient 5 | NYC | Dr. Thomas Sterry

This 36-year-old man was frustrated that nobody could see his abs despite him working out fairly hard. He asked for Smartlipo liposuction at our New York City practice to help showcase his physique. This is also known as "liposculpture."

At the time of his initial procedure he was 6 feet tall and weighed 188.6 pounds on the... Read More
Before & After Arm Liposuction Case 43 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before and After

Smartlipo™ Liposuction for Arms

This is a 33-year-old woman who felt cheated by her "fat arms" despite a steady diet and regular exercise program. Her friends, family, and personal trainer all told her that she could "work it off," but after a few years with a flat tummy, slender thighs, and no results on her arms, she decided to come in to meet me for a consultation.  ... Read More
Before & After Liposuction Case 44 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Smartlipo™ Liposuction

This is a 39-year-old woman who asked for hip and thigh liposuction using Smartlipo in NYC. Like so many of us, she had been struggling with diet and exercise for years but was never able to get her hips or thighs to be quite as small as she wanted them to be.

In this case, we chose to perform Smartlipo liposuction of the hips and thi... Read More
Before & After Liposuction Case 230 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Liposuction Case #230

Before & After Liposuction Case 237 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Lipo 360 sculpts the entire torso for an overall fit and natural look

This is one of our younger male patients who wanted a more fit appearance and was asking for liposuction.  We chose to use a technique called "Lipo 360" to address his entire torso circumferentially.  This procedure required sedation due to its aggressive nature - and it really cannot be tolerated with local anesthesia.  That s... Read More
Before & After Liposuction Case 240 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Lipo 360 and Liposculpture for Men

This male patient in his mid 30's was looking to improve his physique and asked me for liposuction of his abdomen and flanks.  I thought he was a perfect candidate for Lipo 360 and (fortunately) was able to help him understand why this was a better choice.  With Lipo 360, I don't simply suction the front and back of the patient in t... Read More
Before & After Liposuction Case 2 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Laser Liposuction

This 27-year-old woman was 5 feet 4 inches tall and 125 pounds. She wanted laser liposuction at our New York office with the Smartlipo™ system. We were able to melt her fat and tighten her skin at the same time in our private OR.

Dr. Sterry performs a lot of body contouring procedures, but liposuction is clearly the mo... Read More
Before & After Arm Liposuction Case 32 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Arm Liposuction Using Smartlipo™

This is a patient in her 20s who was upset by her upper arm fat and loose skin. She wanted a solution that did not involve a long scar on the upper arm such as an arm lift or brachioplasty would create, but she still wanted tight arms and an athletic look.  

Dr. Sterry has good experience with the Smartlipo liposuction technique... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Get the latest in body sculpting with Smartlipo in New York.

Smartlipo Triplex Benefits

By utilizing 3 distinct wavelengths, this advanced laser-assisted liposuction technology improves traditional liposuction by:

  • Facilitating fat removal for shorter treatment times
  • Reducing bruising and swelling for faster healing
  • Increasing collagen production for firmer, tighter skin
  • Providing the capability for high-definition body contouring

Smartlipo Before & After Photos

Before and after smartlipo for men

This man, age 36, had high-definition liposuction with Smartlipo to better define his abs and reduce his flanks. See more of Dr. Sterry’s male liposuction patients in our photo galleryYour results may vary.

How It Works

Smartlipo is an enhancement to traditional liposuction. With traditional liposuction, a thin tube called a cannula is used to loosen and suction away the fat. Smartlipo utilizes a specialized cannula that contains a laser fiber used to melt the fat so that it is easily suctioned away. In addition to enhancing fat removal, the laser’s blended wavelengths coagulate and tighten the tissue and induce collagen production, which leads to smoother skin and a tighter-looking body.

Dr. Thomas P. Sterry Get to Know

Dr. Thomas P. Sterry

Thomas Sterry, MD, is a board-certified New York City plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He has been president of both the New York State Society of Plastic Surgeons and the New York Regional Society of Plastic Surgeons. In addition, he sits on the executive council of the New York County Medical Society and has been a delegate to the Medical Society of the State of New York for years. At his inviting, boutique-style practice in Manhattan, he focuses on each patient’s unique needs and aesthetic goals so that he can provide the most attractive and natural-looking outcomes possible.

Meet Dr. Sterry Request a Consultation

Credentials you can trust

Dr. Thomas P. Sterry' Credentials Dr. Thomas P. Sterry' Credentials
Dr. Thomas P. Sterry

Dr. Sterry offers Smartlipo as an enhancement to traditional liposuction. New York patients can expect benefits such as faster healing and tighter skin.

Plastic Surgery Patients Share Their Experiences With Dr. Sterry

Read More Patient Testimonials

Candidates for Smartlipo

Some people just can’t reduce localized areas of fat despite strict diets and religious exercise. We call this “diet-resistant fat” because it simply does not go away. Many men and women who want fat removed also have very lax overlying skin. If this sounds familiar, Smartlipo in the skilled hands of Dr. Sterry might be right for you. This liposuction enhancement is especially beneficial for contouring the following areas:

If your main concern is fat under the chin, you may also want to consider KYBELLA® injections as a non-surgical alternative.

Smartlipo Before & After Photos

Before and after arm liposuction

This woman, age 33, wanted to improve the contours of her arms without ending up with a long scar. Dr. Sterry gave her the toned, athletic look she wanted with Smartlipo of the upper arms. See more of Dr. Sterry’s arm liposuction patients in our photo galleryYour results may vary.

Your Smartlipo Procedure

Dr. Sterry typically performs Smartlipo as an outpatient procedure using local anesthetic. He prepares the targeted areas in the same way as tumescent liposuction. Next, Dr. Sterry uses the Smartlipo laser to liquefy the fat. He then suctions the fat away through the cannula. The laser energy also stimulates collagen production for gradual firming and tightening of the overlying skin after the procedure.

To learn more about your liposuction options in our Manhattan practice, request a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sterry or call  (212) 249-4020.

A Reputation Built on Results

Dr. Sterry and his team are amazing! They take the time to get to know you and what your concerns are....
Highly Recommend Dr. Sterry and His Team! Dr. Sterry is not only incredibly skilled but also extremely...
Amazing! Liposuction, a thigh lift, tummy tuck, and a neck and face lift Highly Recommend Dr. Sterry...
Thomas P. Sterry is a very reputable, respectful and amazing surgeon! I was fortunate to undergo his...

‘He is a leader in his field and recommend him highly..’

“I had my first Smart Lipo procedure with Dr. Sterry 6 years ago. I was so happy with the results I went back in 2016 for additional work in other areas. This week I had my 4th procedure and still thrilled with Dr. Sterry and his work. He is a leader in his field and recommend him highly (as my multiple procedures demonstrate, I stand behind my recommendation). He is empathetic, has an exceptional rapport with his patients, and an awesome staff (thanks Alex). I would highly recommend him and happy to provide a reference.”*

—Jeff W.

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