Thomas P. Sterry, MD
1080 5th Avenue #1b
New York, NY 10128
Phone: (212) 249-4020
Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Facial Contouring
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Sterry performs permanent facial contouring to refine and define the cheeks, chin, jawline, and upper neck. While facial rejuvenation surgery addresses the effects of aging, facial contouring adds volume where it’s needed and removes it where it’s not. Dr. Sterry can sculpt the face with facial implants, liposuction, fat injections, buccal fat removal, and more, to help NYC patients, typically young adults, attain more defined features and a look that exudes vibrance and health.
Buccal Fat Removal
The buccal fat pad, located in the cheek hollow where the teeth come together, is larger in some people than others. This enlargement can give the appearance of chipmunk or chubby cheeks regardless of whether you are overweight. Dr. Sterry performs buccal fat removal to add definition to the face using an incision concealed inside the cheek.
Microcannula Liposuction of the Cheeks
Many younger patients benefit from having fat removed from a broader area of the cheeks than possible with buccal fat removal. Dr. Sterry has developed a specialized face liposuction technique using a tiny microcannula that has the following advantages:
- Accentuating a more defined and elegant jawline
- Restricting fat removal to the lower cheek area (below the cheekbones)
- Allowing the entire lower face to be contoured, not just the buccal fat area
This special liposuction technique makes the cheeks “pop,” giving the illusion of higher cheekbones. When performed on the right patient, it can give the face a more elegant and beautiful appearance.
Facial Implants
By placing facial implants through small incisions, Dr. Sterry provides permanent (yet reversible) cheek and chin augmentation. Facial implants, made of firm silicone that feels like bone, can enhance the overall balance of the face. Options include:
- Cheek implants to add definition to the midface
- Chin implants enhance the profile by adding definition to the lower face, strengthening the jawline, and balancing the nose with the chin.
Dr. Sterry can also augment the cheeks and chin temporarily with dermal fillers like RADIESSE® instead of facial implants.
Chin Liposuction
Submental fat, often called a double chin, can make you look heavy even if you are not. Although there are nonsurgical options like KYBELLA® injections, Dr. Sterry prefers to use chin liposuction for more predictable results with a single procedure. When sculpting the chin, he typically uses Smartlipo™ laser liposuction, which melts the fat for easy removal and tightens the skin for firm contours.
Neck Liposuction
Dr. Sterry often combines neck liposuction with chin liposuction using Smartlipo to sculpt away fullness in the upper neck. Neck liposuction can also enhance chin augmentation results.
Lip Lift
A lip lift involves removing a strip of skin below the nose to raise the upper lip. This procedure enhances the face in a variety of ways, including:
- Exposing more of the reddish upper lip vermillion
- Revealing the lower edge of the top teeth
- Reducing the distance between the upper lip and the underside of the nose.
The resulting scar is concealed in the natural crease beneath the base of the nose.
Dr. Thomas P. Sterry
Thomas Sterry, MD, is a board-certified New York City plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He has been president of both the New York State Society of Plastic Surgeons and the New York Regional Society of Plastic Surgeons. In addition, he sits on the executive council of the New York County Medical Society and has been a delegate to the Medical Society of the State of New York for years. At his inviting, boutique-style practice in Manhattan, he focuses on each patient’s unique needs and aesthetic goals so that he can provide the most attractive and natural-looking outcomes possible.
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In most cases, Dr. Sterry performs facial contouring using a local anesthetic in his NYC office so the patient is awake during the surgery. He typically completes the surgery within 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the specifics of the surgical plan.
Dr. Sterry discusses his facial contouring philosophy in this blog post.
Recovery After Facial Contouring
Recovery varies with the specifics of the surgery; however, most facial contouring patients are ready to resume nonstrenuous work, school, and activities in about a week. After facial liposuction, patients must wear a compression strap for 4 days to minimize fluid buildup under the chin.
Expect swelling, bruising, and numbness for the first few weeks. Most patients are ready to resume their regular exercise routines in about 2 weeks, taking care to do so gradually.
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To meet with top board‐certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Sterry and learn more about looking your best with facial contouring surgery in NYC, request a consultation using our online form or call our office at (212) 249-4020 to schedule an appointment.