Among our Manhattan-area patients, double chin treatments are an increasingly common request. With KYBELLA, the FDA-approved “double chin shot,” it’s now possible to melt away that unwanted chin fat with simple injections.

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A quick visit with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Sterry will determine whether KYBELLA is right for you. You can request a consultation at our NYC office online, or call us at  (212) 249-4020 to schedule an appointment.

Do you want to improve your appearance from the side?
Consider KYBELLA for a sleek profile.

 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 6
Before & After Kybella® Case 177 Front View in New York, NY
Before & After

Kybella® Injection

Dr. Sterry is one of the few doctors in NYC to provide the Kybella® injection. Kybella® is a new FDA approved treatment that "melts" the fat in the neck to help remove a double chin. The procedure does not require surgery and is a great alternative for those wishing to avoid cosmetic surgery.
This is a Company Photo provided by Kybella and... Read More
Before & After Kybella® Case 178 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Kybella® Case #178

This patient has been treated with Kybella, but NOT by Dr. Sterry. Read more about Kybella here. 
Before & After Kybella® Case 179 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Kybella® Case #179

Kybella company photo.  Patient NOT treated by Dr. Sterry.  

Before & After Kybella® Case 180 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Kybella® Case #180

Kybella Company Photography.  Patient NOT treated by Dr. Sterry. For more information on double chin treatment, please read my blog on the differences between Kybella and chin liposuction.
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Before & After Kybella® Case 181 View #1 View in New York, NY
Before & After

Kybella® Case #181

Kybella Company Photo.  This is NOT a patient treated by Dr. Sterry.

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

What is KYBELLA?

First, a little context. Persistent fat under the chin is common among all types of people, even if you are fit and maintain a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet. There’s a genetic component, and aging and weight gain can also contribute to a double chin. Fat in this area can be some of the most stubborn of anywhere on the body, and many people find that changing their lifestyle habits has little effect.

KYBELLA is an injectable solution that works by going right to the source: the fat cells themselves. The active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, a chemical your body produces naturally to aid in the breakdown of dietary fat. When injected below the chin, the deoxycholic acid dissolves fat cell membranes, destroying the treated cells for good. From there, your body naturally flushes away the damaged cells over time.

Dr. Thomas P. Sterry Get to Know

Dr. Thomas P. Sterry

Thomas Sterry, MD, is a board-certified New York City plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He has been president of both the New York State Society of Plastic Surgeons and the New York Regional Society of Plastic Surgeons. In addition, he sits on the executive council of the New York County Medical Society and has been a delegate to the Medical Society of the State of New York for years. At his inviting, boutique-style practice in Manhattan, he focuses on each patient’s unique needs and aesthetic goals so that he can provide the most attractive and natural-looking outcomes possible.

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Dr. Thomas P. Sterry' Credentials Dr. Thomas P. Sterry' Credentials
Dr. Thomas P. Sterry

KYBELLA targets the fat under your chin. Your results last because the injections destroy the treated fat cells for good.

Your Treatment With KYBELLA

As with all injectable treatments at our practice, Dr. Sterry personally performs each KYBELLA double chin treatment at our NYC practice. During your initial consultation, Dr. Sterry works with you to decide whether you’re a good candidate for KYBELLA or whether neck or chin liposuction may be more appropriate for your goals.

Dr. Sterry can perform your first KYBELLA treatment immediately following the consultation if you’d like, or you can feel free to return at a time that fits into your schedule.

During a treatment, Dr. Sterry first cleanses and applies a local anesthetic to the area under your chin. Then, he marks a grid to lay out the pattern of injections. Each KYBELLA treatment includes several injections spaced over the area you want to target. Each injection takes just a moment.

Recovery & Results

Because KYBELLA is a minimally invasive treatment, there’s typically no significant downtime afterward. You may experience some minor side effects around your injection sites, including redness, swelling, and bruising. These typically last just a few days and are easily concealed with a scarf.

Patients get the best results with a series of treatment sessions spaced about a month apart. Most patients get 2 to 4 treatments, with up to 6 sessions possible.

After each treatment, you should see your fat begin to gradually diminish, with final results appearing about a month later, although patient experiences vary. The fat cells are gone for good, and your new contours can last indefinitely, especially if you maintain a stable weight and healthy diet and exercise habits. With each subsequent treatment, more fat melts away, leaving behind a sleek look and refined profile.

KYBELLA Before & After Photos

Before and after Kybella

This 35-year-old woman achieved a nice result and refined profile from KYBELLA treatments. To see more cases, please visit our photo gallery.

Photos courtesy of KYTHERA®. *Your results may vary.


How do I choose between KYBELLA, a neck lift, or liposuction?

It’s important to understand the limitations of KYBELLA and consider your goals. To reduce a small to moderate amount of double chin fat, KYBELLA is a good choice. Many people prefer that it doesn’t require surgery or downtime, but its results aren’t as extensive as with a surgical procedure. For people who want more fat removed, we can often achieve the desired result with Smartlipo™, an innovative form of laser liposuction.

If you have loose, sagging neck skin, then a neck lift may be a better choice. Fat reduction procedures including KYBELLA and Smartlipo are best for people with elastic skin that will “bounce back” once the fat is gone. If your skin is lax, it may need to be lifted in a more extensive surgery. Dr. Sterry can evaluate your area of concern and elaborate on all your options during your consultation.

Is a KYBELLA treatment as quick as BOTOX® Cosmetic?

Essentially, yes. Once your initial consultation is complete, a typical KYBELLA treatment session takes about 30 minutes, which includes the application of a local anesthetic. Afterward, you will likely be able to go about your day as normal; because this is a non-surgical procedure, there’s no downtime. KYBELLA’s convenience is a big draw for many patients, making it a groundbreaking innovation in fat removal.

How much does KYBELLA cost?

The cost of KYBELLA treatments varies widely between patients at our Manhattan practice depending on the number of injections per session and the total number of sessions. Once Dr. Sterry evaluates you and creates a treatment plan during your consultation, we are happy to provide a detailed quote. We are also pleased to offer financing options to help you fit your desired treatments into your lifestyle.

A Reputation Built on Results

Dr. Sterry and his team are amazing! They take the time to get to know you and what your concerns are....
Highly Recommend Dr. Sterry and His Team! Dr. Sterry is not only incredibly skilled but also extremely...
Amazing! Liposuction, a thigh lift, tummy tuck, and a neck and face lift Highly Recommend Dr. Sterry...
Thomas P. Sterry is a very reputable, respectful and amazing surgeon! I was fortunate to undergo his...

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