Thomas P. Sterry, MD
1080 5th Avenue #1b
New York, NY 10128
Phone: (212) 249-4020
Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Mommy Makeover Case #200

Before & After
Case Details
This is a patient who had several children and eventually underwent weight loss surgery which helped her shed 100 lbs. She was happy with what the scale told her, but frustrated with her body contour and asked me for help. I thought a tummy tuck combined with a breast lift and liposuction would do her quite a lot of good. The operation took about 6 hours and she did very well.
Her postoperative photographs are shown 3 months after body contouring surgery to improve her look.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Thomas P. Sterry
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.